Media & Investor Relations

Media Relations

Are you looking to looking to increase your profile in the media?

A well-executed media relations campaign can generate more interest in your products and services than a pure “marketing” campaign. Why? Because a positive report from a journalist is seen as a third-party endorsement of the message you are trying to communicate.

We can help you make it happen!

What we do:

  • Drafting and distribution of news releases
  • Direct interaction with journalists, producers and editors
  • Position you as a credible information source for their articles

MCG Media has provided media relations services to:

  • Jig-a-Loo Lubricants
  • Rideau Recognition Solutions
  • SR Telecom
  • Sears Canada

Investor Relations

Is your organization publicly traded? Trade regulations require you to produce what seems like a mountain of material in a timely manner.

We can help!

We’ll assist you in:

  • Drafting quarterly news releases & conference call notes
  • Preparing Annual Reports & Annual Information Forms
  • Developing an action plan for your annual shareholders meeting

MCG Media has provided IR services:

  • Bombardier
  • Stella-Jones
  • SR Telecom